Every couple of months I get together with a group of people for a social evening and a bit of a catch up. It's important to me because it was the first event I ever attended in the daytime and it's a purely fun get-together of a wide range of people
On this occasion we met at a pub for a drink before heading to the local lanes for some ten pin bowling. I've not bowled in over 20 years so this took some getting back into the swing. After a decidedly shaky start I managed to regain my composure and finish in a respectable third place overall. Gilly ran away with the competition but then bowling was her suggestion. I suspect shenanigans...
The venue was exactly as you would expect with a lot of families and groups of young people having a good time.
As I've come to expect in general, there were no issues and no problems to deal with (other than the dodgy shoes) and it made a really interesting change to our typical outings.
At the end of the game we left for dinner at Bill's where we had a really pleasant evening. The food in Bill's is always decent (I had the spicy chicken and the grilled seabass) and pretty reliable, I've never had a bad meal there.
In general we chat about all sorts of stuff and it's nice to relax and unwind with a 'normal' evening with friends.